Oh. Awesome. New dumpster. *snort* lots of trash. Cause garbage is made of win and win is made of garbage.
Peekaboo - Here's your candy. omnom. Okay, I shouldn't have done this. No candy left for you.
Oooh. Shiny wheel.
You know what time is? It's Marissa's birthday!
What are u lookin at? This is mah baby and I'm proud of her.
Mooooommyyyy! Waaaaahhh! Hungwyyyyy!
Ooh. Look what I found at the dumpster. *snort* Music box.
Awww *snort* what a beautiful song. I'd listen to it all day, despite Marissa's cry for attention.
And how's my little monster today?
Marissa has to learn to potty. Cause everyone hates smelly babies. Let alone smelly ugly babies.
Michael eats his salad while splattering the whole table. Then burps.
Paper kid doesn't approve of Gillian's face.
'I hope you don't breed.' she says subtly.
Gillian snorts angered and shouts 'Get outta here before I *snort* get mad'
Paper kid rides her bike grinning and says to herself 'I love my job.'
I think I'm insane. *snort* There must be a ghost behind me. It gives me shivers.
Repeat after me: *snort" dad is a pig.
Marissa: *snort* daaaad is a plig.
Hooray. We have a dishwasher. Found at the dumpster.
Michael: You're sooo irresistible tonight m'dear. I wanna eat your face up.
Gillian: Awww...dear. *snort* you don't have to. But I like the idea. Mrrr.
I shouldn't...I don't even. Ugh.
Damn... No. I'm not worried about Gillian. It's that puke indicates something.
And Gillian found herself a new hobby. She apparently likes making things.
I hope she invents the mirror.
What's this? A llama? Or a dramallama?
I feel sorry for that stick.
Again, gardening. Eager for food. We're doomed.
Trash compactor breaks. Everything stinks. It's like... eeew.
Michael fixes the problem.
What's *snort* zis? What did I just invent?
Looks like the Earth to me with something attached.
Gillian's belly is getting bigger.
Then she's like: I dun like art. Why am I looking at art? take it away from me!
It's... Michael the Thug. He wants to punch someone for making him work all night.
O lookit meh. I can use potty.
Gillian makes something else. Be it a MIRROR!
No, it's a cow toy. And Marissa loves it.
How about dressing you up as an astronaut, m'dear? asks Michael.
*Snort* Would you bring me one of those on my birthday? *snort*
Marissa is taught to walk. In the process, she falls on her butt.
I made waffles! *snort* I'm hungry. I eat waffles.
Omai! It's that time again! Marissa's birfday!
She grows up and makes this face. Reminds me of someone.
(hint: snort)
She gets the 'Eccentric' trait.
She gets the 'Eccentric' trait.
Ooof! Ooof! *snort* Ooof!
Pffft. *snort* He thinks I'm gonna fall for this again.
Supah Cooow! To the rescue! Tanananana... Whooosh!
Thank you daddy for taking me to the stylist. I didn't need to look like a toddler for the rest of my life.
You're welcome, dear.
Marissa has her own room now. She's a big gal.
And needed a bed. Rite?
Oh no. Not while at the dumpster!
Oh yes! Great timing, Gillian! ^^ You gonna leave it there. Someone's going to adopt it eventually.
THEM. -___-
Gillian gave birth to triplets(altho, only 2 of them are shown here)
Nana (dark skin) - Insane, Friendly.
Brenda (medium skin) - Genius, Brave
Erika (light skin) - Insane, Athletic.
Stay tooned for next update.